A Collage of Concentrated Catastrophes

Thursday, April 23, 2009

An Ode To In N Out...

My ode to In N Out...dedicated to: BusyBee Blog (via Twitter)

*ahem...clears recently eaten burger out of throat*

To in n out...my orgasm on a bun....

your secret menu...my hearts delight...health denies,
claiming blind eye sighs...and me...
here perfectly content with no sight at all...
much like irony is gods humor, you put a tomato inside of you....
teasing the heartattack I so long for, as our coastal state recedes from the USA into missing time's door...I adore thee....
single, double- double....can't stop at one...would die for forty...my stomach sleeps at your feet.....

from me to you....lovingly yours.....


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