A Collage of Concentrated Catastrophes

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Tuu Peyes Ayn A Pawd

And We're Back, Brand New Product Inspired by Chilly Willy, Greedy Businessmen, and Two Brilliant Minds...We Present To You:

Trumpstacks! You Pay First! Eat Later! And if you don't finish, we get to fire you. See? Eating is Fun!....Unless you fail.

Business Meeting:
daluris (3:13:26 AM): I wanna be cool

calisolja15 (3:13:50 AM): you're beyond cool
calisolja15 (3:14:02 AM): you're a very chilly galaxy
daluris (3:18:44 AM): lol..yaaay im cooler than chilee willy, sitting on a block of ice, eating a popsicle, wearing shades, being blown on by a fan
calisolja15 (3:18:54 AM): lol
calisolja15 (3:19:09 AM): he was wearing freezer boots too
daluris (3:20:01 AM): yup n his cute little hat...but i hated otto, or oslo that walru
calisolja15 (3:20:14 AM): lol
calisolja15 (3:20:33 AM): the walru with the penguin tattoo?
daluris (3:21:41 AM): yeah..lol
calisolja15 (3:22:13 AM): yeah he's ann asshole
calisolja15 (3:22:16 AM): an*
daluris (3:24:02 AM): i mean who wouldn't love http://a6.vox.com/6a00c22523b6f28e1d00d4141f2d4e3c7f-200pi
calisolja15 (3:24:37 AM): lol, i eel you
calisolja15 (3:24:40 AM): feel*
daluris (3:26:40 AM): LOL @ me watching some chilly willy clips on toutube
calisolja15 (3:26:47 AM): lol
calisolja15 (3:26:54 AM): im down to 170 emails
daluris (3:28:05 AM): ROFL...PANCAY'S!.. peep this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjRACCuh3vc
calisolja15 (3:29:20 AM): looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
calisolja15 (3:29:53 AM): pay first eat later , awww
daluris (3:30:27 AM): now THOSE bhaturraye pancay's.. that seems like a ripoff, 60 dollars?..seems like a fuckin Denny's owned by Donald trump..lol
calisolja15 (3:30:42 AM): lolol
calisolja15 (3:31:01 AM): " yes, I'd like a Trumpstack please"
daluris (3:31:36 AM): lol..
calisolja15 (3:31:46 AM): hm....maybe
daluris (3:31:49 AM): YOU'RE FIRED
calisolja15 (3:31:52 AM): we should serve those
calisolja15 (3:31:57 AM): and if they can't finish it
calisolja15 (3:32:11 AM): everyone in the restaurant should yell you're fired as they leave
daluris (3:32:36 AM): they gotta pay..lol... and yup.. i like that idea, our restaurant is gonna be tits
calisolja15 (3:32:48 AM): And ass
calisolja15 (3:32:54 AM): lol
daluris (3:33:19 AM): lol..its gonna be the HAWTEST reshaurawn in the world
daluris (3:33:43 AM): its gonna be like if hustler magazine had pancay'
calisolja15 (3:33:51 AM): lmaoooooo
daluris (3:34:07 AM): of course, it'll be a fmaily diner
calisolja15 (3:34:21 AM): Baykhan, Guhritz, and Love
daluris (3:34:34 AM): yup, and titays
calisolja15 (3:34:37 AM): lol
daluris (3:36:40 AM): we gonna ge waiters that sound like billy bob thornton in that one movie uhm...
calisolja15 (3:36:51 AM): monsters ball?
daluris (3:37:02 AM): no uhm..
calisolja15 (3:37:38 AM): hm
daluris (3:38:43 AM): Slingblade
calisolja15 (3:40:41 AM): now im hunhgray

Coming Soon! Rashaurawntsss Is the Business!

1 comment:

Luis Bobadilla a.k.a Dal. said...

LMFAROFL...That convo, when linked with the video..makes our idea that much more hilfuckinlarious..

PANCAY'S with ulahta Baughter and Say'rap make the BEST Breffiste's

Ur the man!


Dal. aka Luis B.