A Collage of Concentrated Catastrophes

Friday, April 10, 2009

Come One,Come All !....Get Yourself A Herthy Breffist!

America's Best New Rashcharaunt! Follow Us As We Journey For New Kusstowmars! We're Always Open!...From 4 Am til 5 Am!

Tuu Peyes Ayn A Pawd:
"Where America's Ayets Breffistes!"

See Genius KreeAshun In Action! This is just our businessplan, so bare with us!

calisolja15 (3:49:41 AM): bluberru pancakes are calling me
calisolja15 (3:49:49 AM): blueberry*
calisolja15 (3:49:58 AM): bluberru is the new hip slang!
daluris (3:51:47 AM): lol..bluberru pancay's are dope son..lol
calisolja15 (3:52:15 AM): pancays lol
daluris (3:55:17 AM): shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit we grub some pancay's up in AZ..bluberru all the way, we even got dem StrewBurri ones
calisolja15 (3:55:40 AM): strewburri lmao
calisolja15 (3:56:19 AM): im haungray enough for some strewburri pancays
calisolja15 (3:56:35 AM): and some harshbrauns
daluris (3:57:47 AM): ROFL... wordap dats how we dudes it.. toss some Sayrap on durr, n have urself a herthy breffist
calisolja15 (3:58:23 AM): *dead* @ sayrap
calisolja15 (3:59:10 AM): dont forget the oiange jewse...and the sayrap gotta be maipull
daluris (4:00:54 AM): //DEADEDEDED//
calisolja15 (4:01:04 AM): lol
daluris (4:02:21 AM): Shit, peeps don't know nathan bout' our breffistes up on the west coast, we bring or own sowsaggys and haims n' brek our own aygds
daluris (4:02:27 AM): ayggs
calisolja15 (4:02:40 AM): LMAO ayggssssssssss
calisolja15 (4:02:48 AM): skrawbowled
calisolja15 (4:03:00 AM): skrambowled*
daluris (4:03:30 AM): LFMAAO //coughs up blood// i liked it better skrawbowled.. like scrabbled
calisolja15 (4:03:34 AM): lmao
calisolja15 (4:03:40 AM): skrawbowled it is
calisolja15 (4:04:18 AM): i think we should open a rascharaunt with our expert menhuws
daluris (4:05:41 AM): ROFL...we are like tuu peyes ayn a pawd
calisolja15 (4:07:12 AM): thats what we should name out ateouri....Tuu Peyes Ayn A Pawd....."Where Americas Ayets Breffistes"
daluris (4:09:43 AM): //takes a breath// LMFAROFAMMFAL //R.I.P. @ "Where Americas Ayets Breffistes" //BREATHES AGAIN// i laughed out loud, forreals
calisolja15 (4:09:56 AM): lmaoooooo
daluris (4:10:15 AM): people on my house prolly thought i was on crack
calisolja15 (4:10:25 AM): roflmao
calisolja15 (4:10:49 AM): im going to advertise, im putting this on my site....I think we could get some loyal kusstowmars
calisolja15 (4:16:20 AM): we did it all without fashley grydid kaughfiis too
daluris (4:19:54 AM): yup none of that dcoffinaded lawheys or frou frou cap'nchinhoes
calisolja15 (4:20:10 AM): lmao frou frou
calisolja15 (4:22:18 AM): We got wahhphulls, hand shaped....no wahhpull maikarr
daluris (4:23:00 AM): lol..yup n we mayke tartillays and bayns and royce
calisolja15 (4:24:52 AM): lmao royce...lots of bahdars in my royce....I love a bahdarry royce kaykah

(disclaimer: We're not on drugs, we swear....none in your pancays either......this is why they try to make artist be loners...lol...4:32 am, I'm going to get my bluberrus ! )

1 comment:

Luis Bobadilla a.k.a Dal. said...

This is the greatest idea, I think I've ever co-collaborated on..LOL I mean who woulda thought that grammatical errors and hunger would culminate to something to beautiful..lol Awesomer! I swear, if I ever become rich, we are SO doing this buddy.. Keep up the hilfuckinlariousness. ALways Supportin'!

Peace and Love,
