More recurring thoughts, to a screen near you. After all, a polka-dotted eye, never sees a clearer picture.

1. '300 Bodies Dissolved'
"They brought me the bodies and I just got rid of them," Mr Meza told journalists at a construction site where he disposed of the bodies over a 10-year period. "I didn't feel anything."
2. Quite possibly my favorite battle of all time. Hannibal the mastermind...70,000 people in 6 hours?...Speech isn't equipped to express the things.

3. Invisibility Cloak...Finally?
You don't even want to know why I don't need to get my hands on this.
4. Me and a few friends were discussing this earlier this week, so I figure why not re-embrace this link.

The Return of Purple...LAlalaland Version
5. Uhm, Yes?....There goes my extra money....(links are seperated by ...)
Quote of the Day:
"A spirit storming in blank walls,
A dirty house in a gutted world,
A tatter of shadows peaked to white,
Smeared with the gold of the opulent sun."
- (my favorite poet) Wallace Stevens
- (my favorite poet) Wallace Stevens
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