A Collage of Concentrated Catastrophes

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Victory In His Clutches

" I'm sick of this scandalous living, I dont think I'm even equipped for a higher standard of living, but if you give him one more chance and forgive him.....he'll push that negative gene into oblivion"

Jay Electronica:


1: Abaracadabra
2: Candy Man
3: Transformations II x Untitled (Snippets) feat. MOS DEF
4: Swagger Jackson's Revenge
5: Exibit A (Transformations)
6: Posers
7: Hagler
8: Retro Electro
9: Spark It Up
10: Dimethytriptamine
11: Dealing
12: Girlfriend
13: INTERMISSION: Jay Electronica Speaks About OB4CL...
14: Who's Gonna Save My Soul {remix}
15: Victory Is In My Clutches
16: Because He Broke The Rules [Acapella]
17: So What You Sayin
18: Get'Em
19: INTERLUDE: Fyodor Dostoevsky - Notes From The Underground 20: Departure/Are You Watching
21: Annakin's Prayer
22: Something To Hold On To
23: When The Levee's Broke



Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Links for the Day 03-25-2009

Thought of the Day: I woke up this morning with new scratches, either I live with perverted ghosts...or...The Man is back.

Nude Parenting: Land of the Free lol?

my children will hate me so much....just saying

Andre: Paris

New Selby!

More...Steve McQueen

I told y'all....I told y'all...Just saying. This is not the end. (via The House)

A Thousand And One Smithereens

New Rouge is up, I'll be posting more this week.
"It is not a story, but a flood of countless fragments and flowing memory images which are complemented by Varda’s playful and/or melancholic remarks, quoting from her own oeuvre. An enormous number of people and observations whirl by on the screen. Joy and mourning, whimsical and heartfelt comments enrich the senses. Far-flung yet never self-indulgent, her own wondering discoveries are floating, as is the spectator’s delight. "

Ayah - BELIEVE (Official Video) from Ayah on Vimeo.

New Artist: Ayah...Soul and Real = Stamp of Approval

Below Are Two More Tracks

Passing Me By | Feeling It

Quote of the Day:

is a word for going to sleep. I prefer to think of myself as being up, wide-awake, and looking at new challenges.

-Michael Eisner

Monday, March 23, 2009

Links for the Day 03-24-2009

Posted early, I got that raspberry velvet smooth syndrome.

1. "Is Guilt A Thought or An Emotion?"

Sometimes, the simplest question is the most complex.

2. Art: Personal, Professional, No Propositions for Perfection?...That's balance.

"Karma karma karma karma karma chameleon. When artists talk about professionalism, it’s probably wise to contradict yourself."

3. The Hunger Never Ends

I'm gonna keep force feeding you people this film. (via The House)

4. New Gas Regulations

We have gas stations?

5. James Beard Nominations

Finally, I've goy a lot of catching up to do.

Links for the Day 03-23-2009

not gone, nor forgotten

Change, ...I can believe in?

"I’m not into the skinny look — these skinny things. That’s what I’m here for — to fucking get rid of that shit."

Terry vs GG

Why do I hate gossip girl again?

Mr. Milk with the visuals.

Also tired of Ye stories....but I like the photo shoot.


Count me in

Sex Ed In America

I say, Give em an hour with Terry Richardson.

Quote of the Day: " Isn't Yoga, A Cult?" - Hank Hill

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Links For The Day 03-16-2009

Thought of the Day: It seems like...music is back, no?


Lately I've been bumping this, possibly too much... Shouts to Fresh Selects for always keeping the heat flow. Support Great Sites, that is not optional.

Pierre Herme

New Selby, Never Go Wrong Here


"How did we get from there to here?"

Excuse Me Miss....

Pretzelize and...deal with it. No?...No?....

Modern Times: The Rapidization of Love

Here's a preview of the piece I'm writing about foward movement and speed, and how Love plays into that.

Quote of the Day:

A thousand years ago five minutes were Equal to forty ounces of fine sand. Outstare the stars. Infinite foretime and Infinite aftertime: above your head They close like giant wings, and you are dead.

-John Shade (Pale Fire)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Links for the Day 03-12-2009

Thought of the Day: More Intelligent Life FTW. That is all.

1. The Most Overused Word In The Dictionary

MLI debates who is worthy of the title, and of course, who is not. Keep checking as they add more and more.
"The word “iconic”, he writes, is “cosily religiose, softly spiritual… It is today’s expression of humankind’s perennial bent towards aggrandisement.”"

2. "Film.....Anthopy?" Just click it people.

3. Idealism and the Art-Fair

"This fair is so much fun, with its obstacle-course layout, low prices and anti-establishment vigour, that I wonder if it will attract the kind of big-name collectors who can make the difference in an artist’s career. This is no yacht, after all"

4. Kombucha: Miracle Beverage?

Don't Push Me....I'll drink it.

St. Vincent: The Strangers

^song there

Everyone knows I have a shameless love for St. Vincent…I want to meet, date, marry, rejoice, divorce, meet twenty years later in a foreign country, realign, live happily ever after love her…..thats just musically speaking.

Quote of the Day: " Paint the Blackhole Blacker"

- St. Vincent

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Links for the Day 03-11-2009

More recurring thoughts, to a screen near you. After all, a polka-dotted eye, never sees a clearer picture.

1. '300 Bodies Dissolved'

"They brought me the bodies and I just got rid of them," Mr Meza told journalists at a construction site where he disposed of the bodies over a 10-year period. "I didn't feel anything."

2. Quite possibly my favorite battle of all time. Han
nibal the mastermind...70,000 people in 6 hours?...Speech isn't equipped to express the things.

3. Invisibility Cloak...Finally?

You don't even want to know why I don't need to get my hands on this.


4. Me and a few friends were discussing this earlier this week, so I figure why not re-embrace this link.

The Return of Purple
...LAlalaland Version

5. Uhm, Yes?....There goes my extra money....(links are seperated by ...)

Quote of the Day:

"A spirit storming in blank walls,

A dirty house in a gutted world,
A tatter of shadows peaked to white,
Smeared with the gold of the opulent sun."

- (my favorite poet) Wallace Stevens

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Musical Math Part. 1

No nudity,screencap's just sexy.




carry the.....

and with my luck...the final solution will be:

Monday, March 9, 2009

Links for The Day 03-10-2009

Class Today, I'm super-tired but when I'm active...It feels good. www.twitter.com/hollywoodheat = brilliant business tool!

Froyo vs. Cupcakes!

1. Will both have the same fate?...These Los Angeles snack movements are no joke. Honestly, I don't either, but I have actually been In sprinkles (see above)...they.are.always.crowded.

The 9th With Purple

2. Each word^, contains a different picture!....I really took a liking to these for some reason, purple magazine wins again.

TurboCity Radio, Episode 17: Sex Drive



3. My eccentric brother Cleveland's new mix, first link is the music, second is the tracklist, and third is the download. To me the key to listening to TurboCity Radio Episodes is to respect the art, you don't listen to what's being said as much as (as with all art) focus on the backbone of what is being expressed. This rides hard, no pause necessary...As Diddy told me last night, " Lets Go!"


4. Why do you still love Dracula?......I can't answer for the ladies, I think the article does a good job.

Los Angeles Art Project

5. I composed a list of modern artist that I find appealing, I'll probably find a way to post that here tomorrow, but until then The Great Slimane's tribute to LA Artist will hold you over (the picture is of Kori Newkirk, he's on my list)

Quote of the Day: "Torquated beauty, sublimated grouse,
Finding your China right behind my house.
Was he in Sherlock Holmes, the fellow whose
Tracks pointed back when he reversed his shoes ?"
-John Shade (Pale Fire, Canto One)

Links for The Day 03-09-2009

As promised, I'm finally going to be transferring the links to this site as well as dropping other bits of random material from time to time. My other site Cine-Mono-Mania will be returning around the end of the month, starting with a review of Tokyo!. These post are inspired by one of my favorite blogs the consistently untouchable The House Next Door, just given a more personal touch, please check them out at: http://www.thehousenextdooronline.com/ Lets, shall we?


Just tell me when to stop posting Hunger related articles and I will.....

......ignore you.


2. What gets me about this, is the idea of perception, something im increasingly fascinated by. The fascination doesn't lie within perception itself but instead in the strength and lengths that people will go to maintain their perception and alter others.


3. I'll be purchasing mine this week, truly a great cause.


4. My favorite magazine that I don't actually have a subscription to, unfortunately I was not a part of this, but Twitter and MIL has no choice but to be a uniquely innovative combination.


5. Paying Homage or A Paid Trip Home...either works just fine.

Quote of the Day: " Even the simplest image: "my love’s like a red, red rose, that’s newly sprung in June." presents us with impressions of moisture and warmth and the flow of crimson and the softness of petals inextricably mixed and strung upon the lift of a rhythm which is itelsef the voice of the passion and the hesitation of the love. All this, which is accessible to words, and to words alone, the cinema must avoid. " " - Virginia Woolf