A Collage of Concentrated Catastrophes

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Believing: When I dont, You do.

So I have a problem....lol, I mean...I'm perfect, a damn horse is a damn horse of course of course...but I like a certain thing more than most people, but I love something else more. Now....with that said, in business, which has examples for everything in life (the bible, art, and acid are the only other products to have said effects as well), says...with everything there is a trade off. What if, in moments of weakness, we go into cake and eat it too phase? I realized that, isn't this....exactly what inner strength really is? It is a counter balance, any level of weakness can be balanced if you find the right thing......that thing must respond in accordance to you, as you do to it though. Anyway....this verse sums that up...from one of my favorite Bible chapters:

"The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love."

- Galatians 5:6

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